Attend a special screening of “River Runner” at Bantry Cinemax at 8pm on 22nd March 2015 to mark UN World Water Day. The film is the untold story of the River Lee from source to sea. It is an in-depth portrait of the Lee system which highlights the dilemma of the wild Atlantic Salmon, the demise of the Pearl Water Mussel and the clear felling of an ancient and rare inland forest delta. This event will have inputs from the Director, Declan O’Mahony, Lee angler Alan Nolan, Macroom environmentalist Kevin Corcoran, and Mark Boyden, StreamScapes director and Chair of the Sustainable Water Network (SWAN). If you miss tonight’s screening Bantry Cinemax will be showing it Monday 23 March – Thursday 26 March at 6:45pm
“The Celts’ respect for nature, especially trees and rivers, is the ancient core of our identity and spirituality.” – Declan O’Mahony, film maker