StreamScapes produces imaginative publications and projects to increase awareness of the wealth of Biodiversity which inhabits healthy environments, and encourages action to assess, conserve, and enhance these species and habitats in your locality and throughout Ireland:
Proposal for an ‘All-Ireland Wildlife Web’
(A simple but revolutionary proposal to establish linkages/corridors between existing protected areas)
Who lives in My Townland?
This booklet, which features stunning wildlife photography by the County Clare photographer John Murphy (see, introduces the reader to the subject of Biodiversity and then goes on to encourage an active participation in surveying local wildlife and learning how to record these sightings of various species on to the National Biodiversity Database ( This exercise may be done with your school class, your community group, or with members of your family. Welcome to the journey!
Farming & Biodiversity Competition
In the absence of dedicated environmental studies,StreamScapes produced this Annual National Compeition for Secondary Agricultural Science students for several years with support from EPA & NPWS
Freshwater Pearl Mussel (FPM) Captive Breeding Research
From 2007 Coomhola Salmon Trust hosted this FPM (Margaritifera margaritifera and M. durrovensis) Project and used it as a basis for a Biodiversity Educational Programme.
Photo below is of microscopic juvenile mussel glochidia on a trout’s gill at 250x (Photo by Dr. Evelyn Moorkens taken at Coomhola Salmon Trust Research Facility).
Latest news
Streamscapes 2022 National Biodiversity Events
Coomhola Salmon Trust has announced its range of StreamScapes Events in support of 2022 National Biodiversity Week, all to be held at ‘The...
Lough Arrow Booklet Launched
The wonderful ‘Old Schoolhouse Community Café’ in Ballinafad, Co. Sligo near the shores of Lough Arrow was the setting for the Launch of the...